Foundation Restoration
You can REST when you call the BEST, Foundation Restoration


Basement Waterproofing, Foundation & Crawlspace Repair

Check out some of the work we do in Sandusky County

Foundation Restoration is the premier water mitigation & foundation repair specialists in Sandusky County. Our crews have decades of experience working on homes not just in Sandusky County, but throughout all of Northern Ohio, so we are very familiar with different soil types & drainage issues that impact your neighborhood.

Basement Waterproofing - Water damage can have a major impact on your home or business. It only takes a little bit of water to cause major water damage. That damage can lead to a whole host of structural issues for your building & air quality issues in your home.

Foundation Repair - The most common cause of foundation damage boils down to unstable soil conditions causing structures to shift. Whether that’s because of high moisture content or poor soil conditions, this movement throws off the weight distribution of your home, causing potentially catastrophic damage.

Crawlspace Repair - Much of the air you breathe comes from your crawlspace. By reducing moisture, soil gases & mold/mildew you will be improving the overall air quality in your home.

Scroll down for details and pictures of jobs we've done near you!

Foundation repair with heavy equipment
More foundation repair with heavy equipment
Repaired basement walls after foundation repair


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    Basement Waterproofing In Sandusky County, Ohio

    Water damage can have a major impact on your home or business. It only takes a little bit of water to cause major water damage. That damage can lead to a whole host of structural issues for your building. Not to mention the health hazards that mold and mildew pose. When you need basement waterproofing solutions in Ohio, you need the team at Foundation Restoration.

    Our basement waterproofing services will help keep your building dry and protected from the harmful effects of water damage. It only takes a small crack for you to have a major problem on your hands! Contact Foundation Restoration today to schedule an appointment. Call now and we’ll give you a free estimate on your basement waterproofing services

    Drainage Fail Example
    Sandusky County Basement Waterproofing

    Why Fix Your Basement Waterproofing Issues?

    There are many factors that play a role in the lifespan of your Ohio home’s basement waterproofing system; soil conditions, climate, landscaping, and grading are just few. In Ohio, the life expectancy of the original basement waterproofing system tends to last between 25-50 years in most cases.

    When a house is being built, the soil closest to the home was dugout to construct the basement or crawlspace. This area is called the backfill zone. The backfill accepts water much quicker than the virgin soil away from the house. This creates what experts call the clay bowl effect. As water soaks through the backfill, the water will seep through the soil and over time drag sediment down into the drain tile eventually clogging and making the drainage inoperable.

    Your foundation is the base of your home and the most important part of its construction. The word FOUNDATION says it all! Protecting your foundation from water damage and hydrostatic pressure should be a priority. A wet basement affects your health, resale value, usable space, and can ultimately affect the structural integrity of your home. Foundation Restoration offers four different drainage solutions depending on your home’s foundation. Many of our basement waterproofing solutions come with a transferable lifetime warranty. Call Foundation Restoration today at 877-625-3379 for a free estimate or fill out our contact form and we'll come take a look at no charge to you.


    Foundation Restoration offers innovative products to protect your Ohio home from foundation issues


    At Foundation Restoration, our team has six different solutions to handle your bowing and leaning wall issues. Depending on the severity of the damage, lifetime transferable warranties may be available.


    Foundation Settlement

    Foundation settlement issues require an EXPERT solution. That’s exactly what you get with Foundation Restoration. Our industry-leading knowledge and unique experience will provide permanent results!


    Floor Settlement

    When the structural integrity has been compromised, trust Foundation Restoration! Our team offers full-service structural repair solutions to fix the damage that’s been done and prevent further damage.



    You can rest when you call the best,
    Foundation Restoration