Foundation Restoration
You can REST when you call the BEST, Foundation Restoration


Basement Waterproofing, Foundation & Crawlspace Repair

Check out some of our past jobs in Defiance County

Foundation Restoration is the premier water mitigation & foundation repair specialists in Defiance County. Our crews have decades of experience working on homes not just in Defiance County, but throughout Northern Ohio, so we are very familiar with different soil types & drainage issues that impact your neighborhood.

Basement Waterproofing - Water damage can have a major impact on your home or business. It only takes a little bit of water to cause major water damage. That damage can lead to a whole host of structural issues for your building & air quality issues in your home.

Foundation Repair - The most common cause of foundation damage boils down to unstable soil conditions causing structures to shift. Whether that’s because of high moisture content or poor soil conditions, this movement throws off the weight distribution of your home, causing potentially catastrophic damage.

Crawlspace Repair - Much of the air you breathe comes from your crawlspace. By reducing moisture, soil gases & mold/mildew you will be improving the overall air quality in your home.

Scroll down for details and pictures of jobs we've done near you!

Foundation repair with heavy equipment
More foundation repair with heavy equipment
Repaired basement walls after foundation repair


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    Crawlspace Repair in Defiance County

    Crawlspace issues aren't something any homeowner should mess with. Due to the dark, damp conditions typically found in most crawlspaces, you're always going to be fighting with mold and mildew. Mold can be dangerous, releasing toxic spores causing respiratory problems particularly in children, elderly and immuno-compromised individuals. It's also not at all uncommon to see mold as a contributing cause of sinus infections, allergies and other symptoms. It can cause all sorts of nasty problems and when present over long periods of time, they can lead to long-term health problems.

    Defiance County crawlspace repair - nasty, wet and moldy
    Defiance County crawlspace repair - prior to encapsulation

    Along with the potential risk of mold with an unencapsulated crawlspace, not taking care of your home can result in structural problems as well. This happens through the "stack effect". The stack effect happens when warm air rises and cool air from the crawlspace gets sucked into the living areas of your home. This, combined with other factors, means a significant amount of the air you breathe actually came from your crawlspace. Additionally, if your crawlspace has too much moisture in it, the wood that supports your home will begin to rot, causing structural problems.

    By reducing moisture, soil gases, mold, mildew and improving the overall air quality in your crawlspace, the air you breathe in your home will be cleaner and healthier.

    Consider the benefits of Crawlspace Encapsulation:
    • Reduction of smell - no more musty smells coming up from your crawlspace
    • Air quality - it's not just the smell that goes away, but the allergens, mold and other nasty particles that are reduced or eliminated
    • Energy savings - insulation of the crawlspace leads to reduced energy costs of 20-40%
    • Moisture reduction - destructive moisture that can cause wood to rot and damage to your foundation is reduced or eliminated
    • Soil gasses - radon is a silent killer and there are other gasses as well that are reduced or eliminated from entering the home once encapsulation of the crawlspace is complete
    • Extra storage - with the water gone, you now have additional storage space and it's easier to access for maintenance

    Over 50% of the air in your home comes from your crawlspace. When water makes its way into your home, it can damage your crawlspace and open up a lot of potential health hazards. Crawlspaces that are not encapsulated generally have excessive humidity. The high moisture levels allow mold and mildew to thrive, increasing problems with respiratory issues. At Foundation Restoration, we specialize in keeping crawlspaces dry and providing a safe and healthy home for you and your family. Once we're able to repair and encapsulate your crawlspace, we can have it as neat and clean as the one shown below! If you think you may have an issue with the crawlspace in your home give us a call at 877-625-3379 for a free estimate. Or fill out our contact form and we'll come take a look at no charge to you.

    Defiance County crawlspace Repair - after encapsulation
    Defiance County Crawlspace Encapsulation - encapsulation with sump pump


    Foundation Restoration offers innovative products to protect your Ohio home from foundation issues


    At Foundation Restoration, our team has six different solutions to handle your bowing and leaning wall issues. Depending on the severity of the damage, lifetime transferable warranties may be available.


    Foundation Settlement

    Foundation settlement issues require an EXPERT solution. That’s exactly what you get with Foundation Restoration. Our industry-leading knowledge and unique experience will provide permanent results!


    Floor Settlement

    When the structural integrity has been compromised, trust Foundation Restoration! Our team offers full-service structural repair solutions to fix the damage that’s been done and prevent further damage.



    You can rest when you call the best,
    Foundation Restoration